Counting Up

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

For the Parents

OK, I just received in the mail today a envelope addressed to my two kids. When it was opened,there was a Wedding invitation for their father and the woman he was messing with during our marriage. I didn't realize that it would be so funny that I actually was laughing so hard that I went into a coughing fit. My son was reading it and said straight out that he did NOT want to go to it (he's 17yrs old). My daughter (she's 16 yrs old) came home and the invitation was shown to her. In a nutshell, neither one wanted anything to do with the wedding(even though it was their father).

How can a father, that treats his own children as if they are practically NON-existent, send an invitation of HIS Happy Moment when HE can't even remember THEIR Happy Moments (such as birthdays, Christmas, summer vacations,etc)? Is it like a cruel joke that he likes to do just to make them feel miserable? If you knew his past on the contacts he had with his children, you would understand the question!

I think about how some parents can be sooo cruel one moment and then the next try to butter the kids up with gifts and what not, just to keep them from hating them. I can base it on my own experiences and things I have heard from other men and women that have had the same things done to their children. Why have children if you will NOT take responsibility in raising them and showing them the love that you have for them? It's no rocket scientist that needs to figure out how to love your own blood!

This goes out to all the parents that show their love to their children: Continue to be strong and standby you're children every step of the way because its what you do that will make a difference in their lives! I love you all that stay as strong as myself and I wanted you to know that there ARE people out their that are being just as strong as yourselves.

For ALL of the Deadbeat Parents: I have pity for you because you didn't realize what you had created and how precious it is to even have any children because there are many out there that wish that they could even HAVE children. You all need to get your crap straight and start realizing that there are more things in life than being selfish and thinking of only yourselves.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What is considered to be a true Church of God?

Every day I think about what is actually considered to be the true Church(es) of God. I've been told that ANY church is considered a TRUE church of God if its a place where people go to gather to praise him.

If that was the case, wouldn't ANYWHERE be considered a Church? Even out on our own lawns? I've never been baptized into any specific religion even though my father's side of the family is Catholic and my mother's side of the family are Buddists.

I'm now going on 39 yrs old with no religion, YET I still believe in God. Also with the way EVERYONE speaks about different religions, it makes it difficult for people like me to decide on which religion is the correct religion to go with.

So I've decided that the only TRUE Church that ANYONE needs to really go to is the one within YOUR heart. Going to REAL LIVE churches to me is just a way for people to congregate and share in each others beliefs. So the question now is what do YOU believe to be a TRUE Church of God?