Counting Up

Friday, September 3, 2010

My Son

Now here's something that I totally don't understand with my son. He is 17yrs old and feels that I should have to take care of him for the rest of my life. Where he got that idea from is beyond me. He dropped out of school because of failing 9Th grade two years in a row and according to him, that he was getting his butt kicked on a daily basis. Every time he had made me aware of this, I went to school to take care of business. Other times, police were called. He was getting bad grades every card marking. The teachers had told me that he literally chose not to do the work and even admitted to it. He told me that he couldn't focus on doing the work because of worrying about those kids. What I don't understand is how he can be so focused on video games and playing games on the Internet but not on his homework or the work at school. He told me tonite that our family stresses him and that he's tired of it all. He also told me that all he has learned in life so far is corruption,lies, and hatred. All I have ever taught him in life was that things were not going to be given to him for free and that he would have to work for what he wanted. He brought up about his grandfather yelling at him. I asked him,"Why would he yell at you? Did you get your chores done?" His response," I don't know WHY he's yelling, I got my stuff done!" Truth be told, he didn't get his stuff done, hence the yelling. Not one time in my son's life has he EVER admitted that he was wrong OR taken responsibility for his own actions. Not ONE SINGLE time. As far as he is concerned, I'm in the wrong, his grandfather is in the wrong, and anyone else is in the wrong. He plans on taking off when he turns 18 next year. It worries me that if he takes off without REALLY thinking about the bigger picture, that something might happen to him. I don't want him to leave on bad terms, but it seems that he blames the family and everyone around him for his misery. I was and still am in tears because I don't know what else to do. I've tried talking, that didn't work. I tried therapist at one point, that didn't work. I've tried other people talking to him and THAT didn't even work. So when is enough actually enough? Because as far as he is concerned, I haven't done enough. I could use any help I can get right now. He says that he's mad, stressed, and all. The sad part to it all is that he doesn't even see what he is doing to me as well as everyone else in the family and those around him.