Counting Up

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I've been having these dreams lately and I can't help but think that they are referring to something that has happened to me or maybe something that is going to happen within the near future. I have stresses everyday and I'm sure you all know the stresses I'm talking about. I'm talking like money, job, family type stresses. Why does it always have to be at least one of the three things that I've listed. I'm sure that there are alot more stresses than what I listed, but you've got to take in consideration that these are the MAJOR issues we have to deal with in life.

Everyone has a dream of being something better than what they are, but for some of us, we never really reach that goal. We get close, but that's about it! I try to look at things in a different way, thinking that maybe if I had done things differently, then I would have gotten what I wanted to begin with. I don't know...maybe I'm just rambling like I always do.

My question to everyone is that IF you could change just one thing in your life to make your dreams come true, would you? Or be thankful for the decisions that you made to get you to this point of your life?